Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We're still alive and kicking

Wow....How time flies! I can't believe it has been three years since my last posting. Since our Europe trip we have been sicking pretty close to home. At least Jan has :-) I have formed a ministry partnership with my best friend and evangelist, Ken Ramey along with his wife Diane. I am the Executive Director. We are committed to coaching individuals and churches to become expanding churches through conversion growth (ie. to excel in evangelism). This has involved a lot of travel to the states of Oregon and Washington. It has been exciting to see the Lord's hand of blessing. Check us out at www.evangecoach.com.

Jan and I have also gotten more involved in the church Jeff & Faye are members of. They have been very involved and in leadership there for many years. Jan & I now lead a Wednesday night small
group and I just returned from a tri p to Haiti with a team from the church. There is sooo much need in Haiti. But, we saw the Lord's blessing and hand at work there also!

The grandkid's continue to grow like blessed little flowers around us. Keilani just had her 5th birthday last weekend. We are absolutely loving living next door to them. We are so very blessed! The Lord also continues to bless us with good health. Praise God for his great love and mercy.

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