Monday, December 18, 2006

The Scoop on Jan

Jan works as a teaching assistant at a middle school, and deals primarily with troubled students... not an easy job! She has been doing it since our kids went to middle school... about fifteen years. Some days are more rewarding than others. When she is not busy with kids she helps the office staff with various projects.

At home she is the "administrative officer" of our family. She is as efficient and organized as they come. It is awesome! But her real passion is giving. If you give the smallest hint you like, want, or need something she is on it like bees on a honeycomb. She is amazing!! If we were to ever win the lottery she would go crazy doing things for others. But, for fun and relaxation she enjoys reading, and going to movies. She also loves munching on grand kids (and her husband) of course:)

This next year is going to be an interesting one for Jan. She is going to have two surgeries. In January she is going to have surgery to remove a cataract from one of her eyes. She will also get a new lens implanted so that she will not need glasses any more. Any kind of surgery is no fun, but she is excited about the prospects of not wearing glasses. Her second surgery will hopefully occur in May or early June, and will not be nearly as much "fun". While we were dating, many years ago, she broke her ankle pretty bad and had to have a metal pin put in. Over the years this has caused arthritis and the deterioration of the cartilage in the primary joint in her ankle. So, they are going to go in and remove the pin, and fuse her ankle together. Needless to say, we are not planning any long trips this summer! I (Jim) am studying up on some nursing skills. I will be serving her a lot for a change... She is looking forward to that part too. Keep us in your prayers for all this stuff. Maybe we can get out and have more fun in 2008.

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